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Library catalog box

Print Material

The Streator Public Library has over 40,000 print items in our collection. We also have over 75 magazine subscriptions and receive five newspapers. 

Material that we do not have in our collection can be requested through the PrairieCat Library System. We receive deliveries of material on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The material is processed in the morning and is available for pickup by mid to late afternoon.

Material that is not available at our library or through PrairieCat may be available through OCLC to be sent to our library. This material may take longer to reach our facility because it is coming from throughout the state of Illinois.


The library has access to three digital collections through Libby, E-Read Illinois, and for children, Tumble Books. These collections contain e-books, audio books and may have movies to stream. The apps to access our digital collect are available on our home page or by clicking our "Services" tab and "E-Content".


 Please note that items that indicate they are on "display" in the catalog are usually available for check out. Please ask staff for assistance to locate the material.

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